
In an ever-changing world, it is important for students to have an understanding of the places they inhabit, the processes that cause change and the impact this has on different groups of people. Geography teaches highly sought after skills in problem-solving, managing delicate situations and data analysis. At GCSE, Geography aims to cover these issues. By looking at both Human and Physical Geography, the course intends to give students a breadth and depth of understanding of the world they live in.

Students will expect to develop a range of skills by studying Geography such as:

  • Understanding the challenges of living in a built environment.
  • Being able to explain what conflicts happen within our cities.
  • Understanding what the future of urban living will look like.
  • Understand Physical Geography and the impact people have on the environment.
  • Understand why certain weathers occur in certain places.
  • Understanding how can we manage extreme weather.
  • Understand Uneven Development and Sustainable Environments.
  • Be able to say why so many companies are outsourcing to India and China.
  • To be able to explain what sustainable means.
  • Understand whether the trade will aid or solve the problem of poverty?